Contact Us
We're ready answer your questions
We welcome any feedback.
Our response time may take 1-3 days, but we try to reply as quickly as possible directly by software developer.
If you writing to us for support, please include the following information:
- your operating system and version, MS Windows 7, 8, 10
- program name and version
If you want to find answers for your questions, please check support section first or FAQ directly.
If you have some questions, bug report or advice, you can fill contact form or send by email to
If you lost your registration number or you need new registration number, fill form with your contact information.
If you want resell our software, check Affiliates program
Online Ordering - registration services
f you need information about your online payment, order status and refund, please contact registration service directly.
+31 88 000 0008 (International), +1 (650) 963-5701 (USA/Canada)
(24/7 English phone support for online payment related issues.)
Check out Customer Support for more information on online payment related issues, order status and transactions.
About Us
We develop software utilities mainly for produce alternative graphics. We design, develop and enhance our software more than 20 years. Published utilities with strong security features are results of 10-year knowledge in security business.
If you want to publish some preview of your work for example mosaics, please contact us. We can publish link to your mosaic installation or preview of your mosaic directly on our webpage.
Our clients include numerous Fortune 500 companies, graphics studios and universities. Mosaic Creator as our main product was awarded on many sites.
Read user’s comments for Mosaic Creator.
Our clients

Our clients include many global companies, universities and graphics studios.
Adobe, Autodesk, BMC Software, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, NASA, Oracle, Sony computer entertainment Europe, VERITAS Software, World Online UK ltd
Global companies
Coca-cola, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Motors, Honda Motor Europe, PricewaterhouseCoopers, ESPN
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Forces Korea, U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, Armed Forces EMEA and Canada
Binghamton University, Bradley University, Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve University, Columbia University, Florida International University, Fort Hays State University, Harvard University, Indiana University, Iowa State University, Long Island University, Northwestern University, Portland State University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Southwestern University, School of Law Stanford University, Texas A&M University, The George Washington University, The Ohio State University, The University of Georgia, The University of New Mexico, University of California, Irvine University of Denver, University of Florida, University of Illinois, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of North Carolina, University of San Diego, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Madison, Yale University
Thanks, Geoff
P. H.
Thank you, Kat. Caverly
Greetings Birger

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It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…
2Checkout takes care of the ordering process, product delivery and customer support.
– No need to store any software on your servers, or keep track of licenses
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You will get your commissions every month, either transferred to your 2Checkout prepaid debit MasterCard or sent via wire transfer, check or PayPal.
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